Depending on the source of your back pain, treatment options can vary. Locating the source of your pain is essential for developing the most effective pain management Beverly Hills plan that can lead you to recovery. Whether you injure your back from sports injuries, vehicle accidents, falling, arthritis, or an unknown source, the lead pain management Beverly Hills office is here with some pain management methods that can help you with your back pain.
Before any other treatment, making sure that you're getting enough rest is essential. Taking time to rest your body after an injury is essential to an expedient recovery.
Heat & Ice
Temperature treatment for back pain is a great method to reduce inflammation. In the first few days after back pain begins, using ice can help to keep inflammation down. After 48 hours, transition to heat to increase blood flow to the area to optimize healing and recovery.
Working your muscles is one of the most effective ways to restore them. Our pain management Beverly Hills team recommends performing 30 minutes of stretching or light physical activity that will help work out any sore spots and strengthen your core.
Neuromodulation (Spinal Cord Stimulation)
At Interventional Pain Doctors, the leading pain management Beverly Hills office, we will work to develop a care plan that is right for you. Depending on your back pain, our physicians may recommend neuromodulation. Neuromodulation blocks the pain signals at the spinal cord before the signals reach the brain. Before this treatment is performed, we meet with patients to discuss treatment options, risks, benefits, and alternatives.
Regenerative Medicine
If you experience persistent pain, regenerative medicine may be a good option for you. Our pain management Beverly Hills physicians are specialized in stem cell therapy, a regenerative medicine practice that refers to injecting concentrated stem cells into targeted tissue areas. Stem cell therapy is designed to target the area of the pain without the need for invasive surgery and medications. Interventional Pain Doctors will work with patients to develop a care plan that places the patient's recovery as the focus.
Interventional Pain Doctors | Pain Doctor Beverly Hills
Our team of pain management Beverly Hills physicians understands that back pain and recovery are not linear. That's why we specialize in caring for our patients with individualized plans that are conducive to the busy lifestyle that you lead. Dr. Nicholas Fuller, Dr. Chad Heng, Dr. Daniel Loder, and Dr. Jeffrey Jeng are experienced and knowledgable pain management Beverly Hills professionals that are prepared to take on your back pain and lead you to a pain-free life! For more information on our back pain services, visit our website or contact us today.